7 ways to make group exercise courses feel more personalized

You can find group fitness classes for almost any workout: cycling, Bally, HIIT, and even running. No matter which one you choose, group classes are a great way to burn calories and stay motivated, and they are more affordable than hiring personal trainers.

Regardless of the type of exercise you choose, group lessons are a great way to exercise calories and stay motivated, and more affordable than hiring a personal trainer. (Source: Getty Images / Fizkes)

That is to say, in a 50-person room, it is easy to feel a little lost or even deceive your representative (no judgment!). So how do you get the most out of your group workout experience? Here, the experts explain how to personalize your next fitness class so you can get the best job results possible.

1. Bring a positive attitude

Check any bad emotions at the door, even if you spend a bad day in the office. In a group environment, everyone's attitude is important. “Students feed on the energy of other students,” says Daphnie Yang, a certified personal trainer and HIIT IT! The founder of this is a fitness program in New York City.

In fact, just exercise in a team to improve your spirit: according to the September 2009 Biology Express study, rowers release more feeling when they are exercising together. Good endorphin, not sweating alone.

All good energy may be based in New York's group fitness coach Delia Mamor, which is related to the friendship you found in the group environment. “You are all together, c chop each other,” she said, adding that you might also be dealing with friends in class.

The morality of this story? Show your classmates a smile, the roots, and see how these big strangers have changed to become an intimate, supportive community of friends.

2. Know your mentor

You may feel close to your teacher on the first day of class, but if you are new this is a smart idea. That's because when you build a good relationship with the coach, they are more likely to give you aPeople's attention, said Nedra Lopez, trainer and owner of The PE Club, a fitness studio in New York City. 123]

Yang agrees: “When a teacher knows you, they will occasionally give you a name shouting, which may be a great incentive.” She also suggested following your tutor on social media to see They look outside the studio. The more you know your teacher, the better, the more connected and comfortable you feel in class.

Developing relationships is very important in reducing injuries, Marmol added. When your mentor knows your weaknesses, they can keep an eye on you and suggest a safe way to modify the action.

3. Choose a good place

If you are shy, it is easy to hide behind the room, but resist impulsive! If possible, arrive and expand a space as early as possible, clearly seeing the coach and the mirror. “The closer you get to the coach or the front of the room, the more likely you are to get a personalized experience,” Lopez said.

This is common sense: Wh If you need help or adjustment, then it is difficult for you to follow the action and it is more difficult for the coach to notice you.

That is to say, if you find a place in one place. Come back, don't sweat too much. “A good coach should always look at all her students, just like an eagle,” Yang said, explaining that it is their job to ensure everyone’s safety, participation and happiness in the room.

4. With friends

A little eager to try a new group water class? Bring a friend. “If you are nervous, having a friend with you can make you feel more relaxed,” says Yang, adding that exercise is more fun when you have a friend by your side.

Gym partners are also very suitable for showing support when you are tired. “Friends can say Lopez: “Inspire them in challenging classrooms. "Reading: When you squeeze out the last set of painful burpees, they can cheer for you.

Have you ever noticed that you will work harder when you train with your partner? According to

Kansas State University A study in 2012, when people exercised with partners, they thought the shape of the exercise was better.Their workout time and intensity increased by 200%! No one wants Marmol to say that exercising partners can also help you take responsibility. If you are committed to seeing your friends, you are more likely to appear in the classroom. This echoes a study published in September 2014. In Sports Activity and Health Magazine,

, it was found that people with social support rarely like to skip the movement.

5. Often choose the same class

One of the best ways to make the group course feel more personal is to go often: you will be more familiar with the lecturer, class structure and group environment. As your comfort increases, your confidence increases. In fact, confidence in your athletic ability is an important predictor of your persistence in exercise, according to a study published in

in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity

. ] Yang agrees that consistent routines are key, especially when building community awareness at the group level. The more you go, the more likely you are to meet the same people and build friendships. Also, as a rule, you may even qualify for Lopez to add, for VIP allowances, such as course discounts.

6. During off-peak hours

Courses scheduled during prime time (think: early morning and after work) can be quickly packaged. “If you are looking for a more intimate experience, some courses will have fewer numbers during off-peak hours,” Yang said. “You may get more personalized, one-on-one attention.”

Marmol agrees: “Because of the smaller size of the class, teachers have more opportunities to focus on each student.” In addition, you don’t need Fight for a mat or a set of dumbbells.

So, when is the off-peak hour? Lopez recommends any time between 11 am and 3 pm and adds that you can even find free group lessons in the community center during these hours. Basically, if you can swo into a group class during a lunch break it might be completely worth it.

7. Join a smaller gym or boutique studio

The type of gym you choose can make a big difference to your group fitness experience. If you prefer a more personalized course, you may prefer smallA gym or a private boutique studio designed for specific workouts (think: cycling, yoga or ballet). According to Lopez, small facilities and boutique studios often feel non-personal and larger for the masses than large stadiums, and they pride themselves on fostering community and group culture.

In a way, this is because smaller gyms and boutique studios are also more concerned with how to keep their members happy and committed, unlike larger chain gyms that can afford se members Everywhere. This means that they are usually better able to meet your needs and do everything in their power to create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. In other words, you will get more personalized attention from the staff and coaches.

Small gyms and boutique studios are indeed more expensive than large chains, but it may be worthwhile to work in the environment you feel.