Pilates coach shares DO and DON for your next lesson

Pilates is an intense workout - every workout requires complete physical and mental contact, and specific instructions should be performed correctly to make the day-to-day work most effective. Since working with hundreds of Pilates clients, I have compiled a list of what to do and what not to limit distractions and improve conversations!

Do not: say "no"

I heard someone say they can't do sports like a nail on the blackboard in Pilates Studio. A good coach builds a program or selects a specific exercise based on the skill level of the client and should never give the client an exercise that they don't actually have. The goal is to challenge and enhance customers in every meeting.

Pilates needs improvement, not perfection, and it takes time to test “do well” in Pyla, not just on the first try. The first attempt may not perfect the exercise, but that doesn't mean you can't do it. So give it a try, if you are really in trouble, ask for a modification (although most teachers have already suggested it).

DO: Focus on physical and mental contact

[123 Pilates requires a strong physical and mental connection to perform every action. Being as fascinating as the body is very important for the best results of the Pilates program. Customers should see their muscles and bones working together, they are physically touching to produce precise movements, rather than relying on momentum, accelerating through practice or incorrect forms.

Don't: Expect intense weight - Loss

Pilates makes you stronger rather than thin. Coaches focus on exercise and flexibility, so your main focus in the classroom should not be weight loss. This may be one of your goals, but not the most important.

Pilates will smash your muscles, strengthen your core, and build full body strength, but Pilates can't guarantee dramatic weight loss - Pilates will be greatly improved from the overall lifestyle change.

DO: Stay consistent!

Consistency is key. When you first explain, set aside two hours a week, you can focus on the daily work of Pilates. The more Pilates you have, the faster your body will react. The muscle memory is concentrated and the body will be in deeper connection with exercise development. Soon, you will sendChanges like engagin are your core when performing daily tasks, significantly improving posture and reducing body aches and pains.

Don't: Compare yourself to others

Everyone's body is different. Pilates is a personal journey, so please don't envy the abilities of others in the room. Everyone who exercises Pilates, even Pilates, has a few days to do some kind of exercise. The body changes every day, so it's important to listen to your voice and feel what's going on in every exercise.

DO: Absorb your hips

When practicing Pilates, a very important rule of thumb is always involved in your hips! Using the buttocks - aka hips - helps keep the pelvis in the right position during each workout, which is essential for proper formation and help to maintain strong muscles (medial thigh, rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis, inside/outside The connection between the oblique muscles and the hamstrings eliminates the pressure on the lower back or spine. Any time you feel the movement of the lower back instead of the abdomen, try again, but next time, squeeze your ass!