10 best yoga poses for beginners

There are many reasons to start a yoga practice, but for beginners, the first time you take a yoga class can be daunting. Many yoga poses make your body shape very different from typical workouts, so don't be surprised if you feel awkward at first. But with practice, correct coaching and dedication, you will soon be able to master it.

Keep breathing and relax part of your body to make the most of it Your savasana. (Source: Michael Gray)

10. The corpse pose (Savasana)

The corpse pose is usually deeply relaxed at the end of the yoga class, but for some people it can be a relaxing thing. “For those who don’t do yoga, Getti Heyman says: “Still and looking inward can be challenging. "She recommends it as a body scan - starting from your feet and working all the way to your head.

How to do it: rely on you if you want, you can put a small under your head Pillows or rolled up blankets and/or cushions below the knees. Find the length from the lower back and relax the pelvis and buttocks. Keep your arms on your sides and your palms to breathe easily and relax all parts of the body.