What type of recovery exercise is best for you?

Of course, it is very important to make time for exercise - weightlifting, getting stronger, training 5K and exercising. However, you can't let your body withstand all the stress without giving it enough rest.

What you do on rest and recovery days is as important as what you do during your workout. (Picture: Half Dot Image / Instant / GettyImages)

In order to repair muscle damage (in fact, for bigger, stronger, faster, more streamlined, etc.), you must include restoring you Fitness program. In this way, you can also prevent excessive exercise, burnout, and even injury.

There are two main types of recovery: passive and active. Ideally, you want to include both to get the most out of your training. What is the main difference? “Passive recovery involves not participating in any activity. Active recovery involves involvement in light activities,” said certified personal trainer Corey Phelps.

What is passive recovery?

As mentioned above, passive recovery is a total rest day - zero movement, nothing... Phelps says that when you are injured, sick or your body tells you that you need it, it must [ 123] . So if you work hard for five days and you are dealing with major muscle soreness, you may need to take one. “The real rest day is valuable for avoiding the risk of burnout or overtraining,” she said.

When you take a day off, you can spend a day without too much activity, or you can Massage, it helps blood flow and relax your muscles. “The best time to use passive r ecovery is usually after intense workouts or the next day,” said certified strength and training coach Matt Pippin.

What is active recovery?

Rest is a beautiful thing, but star recovery seems to be active recovery, you still move in some way, but the intensity is lower. “Active recovery can range from mild, low-intensity exercises such as cycling or even jogging to mobile work such as foam rolling and gentle yoga,” Phelps said.

Piping said that this may also include running in the pool or slow, lightThe amount of strength training stimulates your heart rate without causing any trauma to your body.

The type of exercise is good for your body. They help reduce inflammation and stiffness, and increase blood Phelps says that mobility, mobility and flexibility can help your body clear the accumulation of lactic acid. After the HIIT course, your body

begged to let you lower it by one level (but you may already know this from experience).

Passive and active recovery

So how do you know if you should completely cancel this day or let yourself do some light exercise? "If your body feels completely paralyzed, your sleep is unstable, and/or your resting heart rate is above normal, use passive recovery," Piping said.

On the other hand, if you're just a little bit painful, you can't go all out to exercise and stay physically active, rather than actively recovering. He said that you don't need to do more than one passive recovery per week (or the entire rest day). You should be a good alternate between more intense exercise and active recovery for most of the week.

Best Active Recovery Exercise

Want to incorporate more aggressive recovery into your fitness program? Here are some examples of exercises you can take. They keep the blood circulation strong, help muscle repair, and even burn some calories while you exercise.

Easy Strength Training or Weightlifting

You can still strengthen your training on an active recovery day, but at a lower intensity. "Light weight training - often referred to as unloading - allows joints to be relieved from heavy loads," Phelps said. She said that this also prepares you for a new period of higher demand.

If you often lift weights, removing the workout can easily solve the problem. Phelps said: "This is the same exercise you usually do, but it is much lighter, and there are far fewer deputies and suits (less than three groups, about 8 to 10 delegates)."

[ 123] Pi Ping recommends adding a sled or pull. “With a sled, you can walk forward or backward to reach the proper distance and/or time to stimulate the leg recovery process. The key is to keep weight down, just move, control,” he said.

Hatha, Yin or Repair Yoga

[1]23] After a HIIT course or long-term training, take a gentle yoga class or do some restorative yoga posture yourself. Phelps said that Hatha, recovery or negative is a good choice.

"Yoga promotes flexibility with low impact, muscle activation and inflammation, keeping muscles alive without overuse," she said. Give yourself at least 30 minutes, but if you have some extra time, go for 60 to 90 minutes, which will provide the best results.


[123 swimming is a perfect recovery activity because there is no pressure on the joints. “When muscles are sore and tired, the lack of stress and shock immersed in the water allows for free movement,” Phelps said.

This increases blood circulation and stimulates healing. Swim for 25 to 45 minutes at a relaxed speed for full benefit. As for the stroke, try breaststroke and freestyle, Phelps said it was simple. (Don't go for a butterfly drill!)


Going outdoors, cycling, breathing fresh air and scenery. “Biking will be a good option. Pippin said: “As long as you don’t climb the big hills or mountains, you will recover. "

If the intensity is kept low, you can easily move freely anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Cycling is a means of transportation! Grab a Citi bike or bring your car Going to work.


Walking is probably the best (and certainly the most convenient) Phelps said, walking, especially brisk walking, let blood flow through your muscles, You will get that 10,000 steps (at least somewhere nearby). Ok? Grab a friend and walk with you. You won't even notice the distance.

Bubble Scroll

[ 123] Grab your reliable foam or massage roller and relax those tensions. “Foam rolling reduces muscle pain and fatigue by increasing blood flow and oxygen,” says Phelps. She said that this is myofascial release. A form that helps relieve tension and reduces the risk of overuse and injury.

Sit down and reserve for about 15 to 20 minutes. She said, start slowly and spend more time on special Pain or tensionThe place to look for relief, but don't overdo it, as this may be counterproductive. In fact, foam rolling before or after each workout is a great way to keep your body more flexible and relaxed.