Gunnar Peterson shares his return training

Building your back muscles can be a tricky effort. You can't see them without the help of a mirror, and if you don't use weight, they are almost impossible to aim. However, having a strong back muscle is not only great for looking from the back but also for everyday sports.

If Gunnar Peterson's training is good enough for the Los Angeles Lakers, then they are good enough for you! (Source: Allen Berezovsky / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages)

One of Hollywood's top coaches, Gunnar Peterson, says your back muscles are your back chain (the back of your body) is not available Part of the missing). Peterson, personal training lists including Jennifer Lopez, Kendall Jenner, Kate Beckinsale and the Los Angeles Lakers, tells LIVESTRONG that you need to balance everything you do in training and life.

From a performance point of view, if one link is weaker than the other, then you are pursuing harm, he said. His advice? “By supporting your weaknesses to combat balance in training and seeing your performance improve.”

Tips for improving your back to stay safe

Back injuries are common - just watch Look at the results of searching for back pain. An important part of preventing back injuries is to strengthen the area. But you don't want your back training to eventually cause the damage you want to stop, so follow Peterson's safety tips.

  • Focus on keeping your core engagement/supporting your weightlifting. Don't let your low back to arch.
  • First, use a lighter weight and move at a slower speed. This is not a speed race. It is vital to improve your size before gaining weight.
  • Try to increase your weight and rhythm while you improve your skills.

The best back training you didn't do... However

Peterson's back training consists of two practice super sets, each for two rounds. heSay you have to exercise twice a week for two weeks and start exercising there.

This is a subdivision:

  • 2 actions
  • 2 Set each
  • 2 times a week [ 123]
  • 2 weeks

Bonus: You can add a lower back movement (erect muscles) at the end of each superset. Choose a good morning, superman, opposite arm / leg superman or overextended back. Perform 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise before entering the next superset.


1a. Lat Pulldowns

How to do it: Pull down the machine for lat. Grab the strip with a pronator (the palm face away from your body), separated from the shoulder width. Tilt your torso slightly back to keep your core engaged. Pull the lever down until it gently touches your upper chest. time out. Guide the lever slowly to the starting position. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

1b. Sitting line

How to do it: sit on the seat machine and put your feet on the foot support. Bend your knees and hips, straighten forward, and grasp the handle with a neutral handle. Will pull back to your belly domen. Continue to pull the handle until your forearm or wrist is pressed against your torso (or until the handle touches the abdomen). time out. Slowly guide the handle to the starting position. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

Repeat Superset #1.

2a. Pull-Ups

How to operate: Stand under the upper lever and grab the lever with a front grip (the palm is facing outwards). Grab the bar and lift your body off the ground. Pull yourself to the top of the bar (with the chin level of the bar). Pause and then lower your body. Use the auxiliary pull-up machine to modify the motion. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

2b. TRX horizontal line

How to operate: Fix the TRX tape. When standing, start with the TRX handle on the side of the chest. Lean back, slowly lower your body and keep your back flat. time out.Pull the body up toward the handle of the TRX. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

Repeat Superset #2.

3a. Chin-Ups

How to do it: Stand under the eye-catching lever and grab the barbell with a rotating handle (the palm is facing you). Grab the bar and lift your body off the ground. Pull yourself to the top of the bar (with the chin level of the bar). Pause and then lower your body. Use the auxiliary pull-up machine to modify the motion. Do this exercise for the biggest representative - perform as well as possible.

3b. One-arm dumbbell row

How to do it: stand on one side of the weight bench, with your feet apart and your feet on the floor. Stretch with one hand and grasp the dumbbell with a neutral handle. Place another h and rest on a stable bench. Bend your hips forward so that the torso is slightly parallel to the floor and the dumbbells hang down. Pull the dumbbell up to the torso until it touches the side of the chest. time out. Slowly lower the dumbbells. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.

Repeat Superset #3.

4a. Pull-Ups

How to operate: Stand under the chin bar and grasp the lever with a neutral/parallel handle (the palms are facing each other). Grab the bar and lift your body off the ground. Pull yourself to the top of the bar (with the chin level of the bar). Pause and then lower your body. Use the auxiliary pull-up machine to modify the motion. Do this exercise for the biggest delegate - perform as much as possible.

4b. Dumbbell Dumbbell

How to do this: Take a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your knees slightly and bend your torso forward by bending your waist. Keep your upper body still and lift your dumbbells to your side. Squeeze the top and pause. Slowly reduce the weight to the starting position. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.