This playground exercise will release your inner child.

The world is your playground - your nearest playground is the best place for your next workout (Source: Getty Images / Todor Tsvetkov)

Why you can stay on swing Perform functional exercises on the playground in the gym to attract your body and mind in a whole new way? Playground exercise may be just that you need to add some enthusiasm to the exercise program and release your inner child.

Playground exercise brings countless physical and mental health benefits. For beginners, you will meet new challenges and exercise your muscles in different ways. But you can also spend time outdoors, such as a stronger immune system and lowering the risk of depression. In fact, people report that life is higher according to the February 2019 International Journal of Environmental Health research, after spending 20 minutes in the park, the satisfaction score.

Ready to clean sweat in your local park? Start with these outdoor sports ideas and then check out the park training below.

Starting from mobilization and dynamic warm-up

When you were young, you ran from the swing to the monkey railing, and on the stairs and slides without taking care of the world, you certainly didn't think how many sets you had or What is the representative or your form? But you may have been there for a while, because you have jumped on the monkey railing or jumped onto the bench, so you need to prepare your body accordingly.

Start with the wrist, hips and knees. Next, let your heart pump through the dynamic warm-up to relax your muscles and prepare you for the exercise ahead. You may want to include aerobics such as jumping jacks and high knees, as well as dynamic stretching exercises such as football and alternating side bends.

Get ideas through playground equipment

Each stadium is different. But here are some common gear and how to incorporate them into your workout.

Swing Set

Swing is like a suspension trainer. Think about some of the actions you've done on the TRX (or see what others have done) and imitate them on a swing.

Reject push-ups: Put your ankles on a swing and enter a high plank. When youKeep your core engaged and bend your elbows as you lower your chest to the ground. Stretch your arms and push yourself up.

Knee-Tuck or Pike: Bend your knee from the same starting position above and pull your knees toward your chest. For more advanced options, keep your legs straight and push your hips up into the sky and back to the board.

The Bulgarians split their armpits: Standing back to the swing. Extend one leg to the back and place your foot on the swing. When you lower your hips to the ground, bend your knees and keep your chest lifted.

Park Bench

Use the park bench as a weight bench and do some of your favorite exercises outside.


Upgrade: Step on the bench with one foot and pull the opposite knee to the chest to balance. Take a step back and repeat on the other leg.

triceps sag: sitting on the bench. Climb your hips from your hips and bend or stretch your legs completely. Bend at a 90-degree angle and the hips bend toward the ground. Push up and straighten your arms.

Up and Up: Stand on one side and face the bench. Place one foot in the center of the bench. Push down the leg firmly, then jump vertically and place the other foot in the center of the workbench. Continue to repeat quickly.

Burpee Bench Jump: When you start from the slanted panel, place your hand on the bench. Do push-ups, step in with your feet, and jump to the bench. Jump back or return and repeat.


Always make sure your playground equipment is stable and safe - and note that

Monkey Stick

Monkey Stick is a great alternative to the drawbar.

Scapula contraction: Grasp the stick and separate the shoulder width. Keep your arms straight as you lift your shoulder blades away from your ears and lift your sternum. Release and repeat.

Active Suspension: Keep retracted position and firm the entire body. Engage in your core. Put your legsCrowded together. The goal is to keep it for at least a minute.

Pull up: Once you have mastered the retraction and active suspension of the scapula, use your back muscles to pull yourself up and take your next step to the bar.

Hanging Leg Raise: From the active suspension position, pull your knees into the chest or keep your legs straight and use your core parallel to the ground. Avoid swinging.

Open Grass Area

Use the open space to sprint in a playground or park, skip or exercise weight, which requires more space than in the gym.

Burpee Broad Jump: From standing, kneeling, then stepping in or jumping into tall wooden boards. push ups. Step on or jump back to your hand. When standing, the knees are slightly bent and the torso is slightly tilted forward. Jump forward as far as possible and gently touch your knees as you bend.

Jumping Rope: Simultaneously push the opposite arm forward. When the elbow is bent 90 degrees, pull one knee to the chest and rise to the foot of the standing foot. Repeat the action on the other side. Get as much height as possible ht and distance as much as possible.

Side random play: Stand with legs wide than the hips. Bend your knees and let your hips return to their original shape. When you get to the side, keep your chest raised and absorb the abdomen, then pull the other leg forward and move laterally.

Sports Ground or Runway

Almost anything you can do on an open grass or on a sports field or on a runway. The added bonus is that you have tags to help you calculate the distance better.

Interval: If you are on the football field and run 25 meters with 25% of the effort, increase the intensity to 50%, 75%, and finally reach 100%.

50s and 100s: Sprint 5 50m intervals a every 5 100m. Increase speed and/or distance to increase the challenge.

Playground workout attempts

Ready to integrate them into a creative, sweaty playground workout? You can start with the following three options. After you have tried all of this, start creating and making something of your own!

Strength and Sweat Circuit

Pick your favorite five moves from above and do 10 representatives with five 50-meter long sprints (you can estimate this or choose your own) Distance - say, the space between the two trees). Rest between two rounds for two minutes and complete two to four rounds.

Aerobics exercise

  1. 15 push-up knee folds (push-ups, then knee-folding from the high plate position)
  2. 15 armpits
  3. [ 123] 5 monkey bar pull-ups
  4. 15 substitutes upgrade
  5. 1 minute break
  6. complete 2 to 4 rounds
core and Cardiac exercise

    1 minute forearm plate
  1. 10 swinging spears
  2. 1 minute high knee
  3. 10 hanging legs Raise
  4. 1 minute climber
  5. Repeat 3 to 5 rounds

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