According to Myers-Briggs 16 fitness people

Myers - Briggs testing has always been seen as helping people find the gold standard that best suits their career (the company usually uses it when looking for an ideal candidate). But can this personality test help people complete their fitness program perfectly? absolute!

Dance lessons create miracles for ISFJ personality types! (Photo: aaaaimages / Moment / GettyImages)

13. ISFJ

ISFJ is one of the most contradictory personality types, and although they have introverted labels, ISFJ is considered a "person", even though they have a feeling tag. Sometimes referred to as the defender, ISFJ lived in a kind spirit before everything, and contributed to the most generous and enthusiastic c. friend.

Fitness Personality: Working with friends or groups is very effective for these social souls, not only for motivation, but also for their exercise. If there is one thing that ISFJ doesn't want to do, it will disappoint the friend.

Best choice: Pilates, Bally, dance classes and LEKFit are all solid choices for ISFJ. These types of training not only give way to good sweat, but their friendship is also key.

14. ISFP

Few things are more important than ISFP, not creative and stick to yourself. With a keen sense of aesthetics and a passion for spontaneity, ISFP is very interesting. In other words, they often need time to recharge and fuel ank for their creativity.

Fitness Personality: ISFP is usually not "by book", so any explanation space is a good fitness option. Moreover, despite their introverted nature, group training works well for the Myers-Briggs type because they can consume energy and draw inspiration.

Best Choice: Yoga, where people encourage creating their own practices is a good choice for ISFP.That is to say, when an adventurous emotion strikes, ISFP is smart enough to always have a good playlist.

15. ISTJ

Decisive and organized ISTJs like to be challenged because they know they are always competent for this task. With incredible dedication, attention to detail and pride in the work they do, ISTJ has performed almost all the skills in its work.

Fitness Personality: For ISTJ, they want to do effective work, so they will pass the latest and best fitness trends. Once they find something that suits them, it's hard for them to change it.

Best Choice: Swimming, both precise and somewhat creative, is a great exercise for ISTJ. Tennis or squash is a reliable choice when training with others, as well as skill and determination.

16. ISTP

Endless curiosity, ISTP performs best when learning to do it - and they don't necessarily need to learn to acquire skills; just enjoy the process, they are perfectly fine. ISTP is usually clear-headed, rational and ar happy to share their knowledge and creativity with others - as long as their ideas are not challenged.

Fitness Personality: ISTP can take any form of exercise - they are happy in a team or exercise for themselves. Most importantly, they are not bored and constantly challenged.

Best choice: Join the gym, where there is a revolving door for fitness classes and equipment is a good idea. ISTPs. In addition, for their sometimes spontaneous nature, there is a place where they can exercise every time they are impulsive. From cycling to HIIT, the ISTP heart twitching exercise class - and endorphin soaring - is always a good choice.