Is LIIFT4 a good beginner exercise?

The movement is called "work" for a reason: for many people this is a down-to-earth chore. Often, it can feel like a part-time job and doesn't leave a lot of time for what you really want to do - like eating cornflakes, um, going out with friends.

Is LIIFT4 really effective? Unless you do this. (Photo: Beachbody)

Can LIIFT4 bring you results?

Freeman was asked about the first question about the program, if you can actually get the results of the work only 30 to 40 minutes a week. “The loud answer is definitely,” he said. If you exercise and challenge yourself, you will burn fat and build muscle.

"People will notice how many calories they burn, but they don't take into account what they do with the muscles. We are talking about EPOC and increasing your metabolic rate," Freeman said.

By the way, EPOC represents excess oxygen consumption after exercise, referring to the calories your body continues to burn at a later time. According to research by Dr. Lance C. Dalleck and Samuel S. Van De Velde, this metabolic increase can last up to 48 hours.

LIIFT4 is not about becoming a stubborn biceps and well-defined abdominal muscles (although not on the table). "If you change something, you will see the results," Freeman said. "If you want six packs, well, we all know what we are doing now - there are no more mysteries." But it is m about feeling better, healthier and happier. "

What equipment does LIIFT4 need?

Getting started with LIIFT4 is very simple. Get a Beachbody on Demand and streaming device (computer, tablet, mobile or smart TV) with just a few pairs of dumbbells.

Freeman recommends starting with at least one light, one medium and a pair of heavy duty dumbbells. "You are a man anyway."People or girls, but if you update weightlifting, a good range is five to 20 pounds of dumbbells," Freeman said. If you have been lifting weights for a while, you can go up and start there.

The most important thing is, don't be intimidated. If you are a brand new promotion, it will be very embarrassing at first. "The everyday people who walk around are not always the best k-consciousness (that is, the understanding of their own movement), especially If it is brand new," Freeman said. This is all of us. If you are right-handed and you have to start writing left-handers, it will look bad. "

Freeman gave this parting suggestion:" Go in and try to stick to it as much as possible, and don't over-think it. Don't make it more complicated than it needs. "