Gunnar Peterson's home strength training workout

If you find that you don't always have time to go to the gym, training at home allows you to squeeze out fitness in the busiest schedule. In addition, Gunnar Peterson, one of Hollywood's top trainers, says that exercising at home also reduces travel time to and from the gym, which means more time for proper exercise.

Adapted to Gunnar Peterson's family training. (Source: Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages)

Peterson, his personal training list includes Jennifer Lopez, Kendall Jenner, Kate Beckinsale And the Los Angeles Lakers, telling LIVESTRONG that if you train in the morning, then exercising at home can also help you get more sleep, Peterson said, the problem is, you can separate your life so that when you exercise, you Will not go out to empty the dishwasher or walk the dog? “Although things that dogs walk on can be thought of as warm-up or calm, depending on when you adapt to it and how energetic your dog is,” he said.

Peterson's first three tips - home exercise

There are many benefits to exercising at home. But before you move the couch and start working, Peterson wants you to think about something:

There is a plan. It takes 10 minutes the night before and is divided according to your personality (by your personality) the work you want to do during the day.

  • Take the phone away. Turn your phone into flight mode. This is your time.

  • Move with music. Peterson said that he chose TV music. He said: "Music makes you touch, but TV encourages 'stop and gaze' and you will rationalize it as a break between exercises."

  • Gunnar Peterson's full body workout

Ready to shape and strengthen your entire body? This is Peterson's family full body workout. Increase the resistance or representation when you complete 10 to 20 repetitions each time and no longer challenge you 20 times.

1. Dumbbell squat:

The feet are wider than the shoulders. Hold the dumbbells in each hand, put your arms on your sides, and kneel down until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Pause and return.

2. Push-ups:

Start lying face down on the floor, hands about 2 to t one inch wider than your shoulders. Press yourself into a piece of wood and press down.

3. Pull-Ups:

Stand under the upper lever and pull the lever outwards. Grab the bar and lift your body off the ground. Pull yourself to the top of the bar (with the chin level of the bar). Pause and then lower your body. Use the auxiliary pull-up machine to modify the motion. (Alternative: a high row with a resistance band, fixed to the anchor like a door hinge.)

4. Wood board (30 to 60 seconds):

enters the push-up position. Bend your elbows and place your forearms on the floor. Use your toes to bend your feet on the floor. Your body should be a few inches from the ground.

5. Overhead press:

Hold down the barbell or dumbbell. Make sure your feet are separated by shoulder width. Place the dumbbells close to each shoulder with the palm facing forward. Press the dumbbell up, extend down from the top of the head, and then move back to the starting position.

6. Dumbbell lateral stab:

Hold one dumbbell in each hand and put your arms on your sides. Go to the right. Make sure your right knee is bent to lower your hips and body until your knees and hips are at a 90-degree angle. Straighten your right hip and knees and return your feet to the hip width. Each party has the same number of representatives.

7. Standing ribbon rotation:

Use the strap attached to the wall or stabilizer to place the strap at the chest height. Stand on the right side of the body f this band. Stretch your body, grab the handle with your left hand, and place your right hand over your left hand. Make sure the arm is in front of you and then rotate the body (on the abdominal muscles) away from the strap. Rotate until the shoulders are facing away from the anchor point. Returns to the starting position.

8. Your Majesty:

Sit on a bench or a sturdy chair with your hands on your hips, with your palms on the bench and your fingers hanging over the edges. When you remove your butt from the bench, keep itFeet and knees bent. Lower your buttocks toward the floor by bending your elbows until your upper arm is parallel to the ground. Push back with your arm, pause and repeat.