Teenagers shortness of breath

If you notice that your teenager has difficulty breathing, or gasps and gasps after a small amount of activity, it can be terrible. According to the FamilyDoctor.org website, there are many things that can cause your child to pant, but medical attention is essential because there are some reasons that can be very serious.

Shortness of breath will limit adolescent activities. (Source: lzf / iStock / Getty Images)


The medical definition of shortness of breath is difficulty breathing, usually breathing when your child is unable to breathe hard I feel that she can't get enough air. According to MayoClinic.com, she may feel tight or suffocated. In some cases, shortness of breath is temporary. When the environmental or lifestyle factors that cause shortness of breath are eliminated, d disappears. In other cases, shortness of breath is caused by a potential medical condition that must be treated to alleviate the symptoms.

Common Causes

Extreme physical exertion can cause difficulty for your adolescents to breathe, but usually stopping the exercise will solve the problem. According to a report in the Journal of the American Heart Association, "Circular", some teenagers may experience shortness of breath if they visit areas with high altitudes or very low or very cold temperatures. A cold can block your teenager's sinus and make breathing more difficult, but as the virus clears, the problem disappears. Exposure to dust, cigarette smoke and environmental contaminants can also cause temporary shortness of breath.

More serious health problems

If your adolescents often have shortness of breath, it may indicate a potential illness. Asthma is a common problem in children and can cause difficulty breathing. Anemia can also cause shortness of breath. It happens when your child does not have enough iron, and this disease can also cause fatigue and pale skin. Chronic allergies to dust, pollen and mold can also have a negative impact on adolescents' breathing ability. If your child is obese, he may become short of breath. Anxiety disorders, panic attacks, heart disease and lung disease can also cause shortness of breath.


Don't ignore the call of teenagersShort-selling the river Unless she is exercising or going on vacation at high altitudes or extreme weather conditions, she should seek medical attention immediately if she is short of breath. Since shortness of breath is a symptom of many diseases, diseases, and diseases, it is important to determine the cause of breathing difficulties in adolescents. Once her doctor has figured out the cause of it, he can effectively treat it so your child can breathe normally again.